The TOFFEE Project

The TOFFEE Project :: Open-Source Linux Research :: The Linux Channel :: The FreeBSD Channel :: Youtube Channels

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Welcome to The TOFFEE Project

The TOFFEE Project is a collection of Linux based open-source projects and its associated research.

  • TOFFEE - WAN Optimization
  • TOFFEE-DataCenter - Server and Data-Center WAN Optimization
  • TOFFEE-Mocha - WAN Emulator
  • TOFFEE-Fudge - Network Packet Generator
  • TOFFEE-Butterscotch - Save and Optimize your Internet/WAN bandwidth
  • TOFFEE-SoftServer - pre-installed and pre-customized software VMs for general, research and for production use
  • TrueBench - multi-platform hardware/CPU benchmarking
  • The Linux Channel - Linux and Open-Source research video channel
  • The FreeBSD Channel - FreeBSD and Open-Source research video channel


  • you are a product-manufacturer/OEM ?
    • you want to build your own WAN Optimization product range or appliance(s) ?
    • or you want to incorporate WAN Optimization feature in your existing product range or appliance(s) ?
  • you are looking for a complete suite, research, knowledge, all essential tools, eco-system and know-how to tap into world's best WAN Optimization Network Stack and the platform ?
  • TOFFEE Data-Center Big picture and Overview: Download PDF
    • endless possibilities with million opportunities
    • ... what is your Highest Possibility ?

Understanding The TOFFEE Project - Ecosystem and the Big-picture:
Before you explore the same, here is the ecosystem of the overall The TOFFEE Project. The main objective is to achieve network optimization by various means in various situations (real-world use-cases), however, unlike other open-source projects, The TOFFEE Project is not just one project/source-code. It has a broad vision and a long term focus. It is the entire ecosystem comprising various components like research, required tools (some are self-made like TOFFEE-Mocha), study/education, and so on. On top of this robust platform, the end individual components are made such as: TOFFEE, TOFFEE-DataCenter and so on. The word The TOFFEE Project literally refers to this vision, ecosystem and the big-picture.

💎 Learn more about: TOFFEE - The Big Picture
💎 Learn more about: TOFFEE-DataCenter - The Big Picture
💎 Learn more about: TOFFEE-Mocha - The Big Picture
💎 Learn more about: TrueBench - The Big Picture
💎 Learn more about: TOFFEE-Butterscotch - The Big Picture

💎 TOFFEE-MOCHA new bootable ISO: Download
💎 TOFFEE Data-Center Big picture and Overview: Download PDF

Recommended Topics:

MySQL Database Network Data - WAN Acceleration ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Here is a quick demo of TOFFEE WAN Optimization optimizing MySQL Data transfers of a MySQL Client to Server Remote Access.

Detect and Monitor Failing Harddrive in Linux - My Seagate 500GB HDD Died ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
My 500GB Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM hard-drive suddenly started making mild clicking noise. I found this happening since morning. I was suspicious that something wrong in this drive and when I opened the Linux Disks app, I can find the cause of this issue. The disk is increasingly getting read errors. Besides I can see various other parameters such as Power-On Hours, Temperature, Head flying hours, etc.

Building my own CDN - Finally Completed - Update: 17-Dec-2017 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Today I finally completed building my own private CDN. As I discussed so far in my earlier topics (Building my own CDN), I want to custom build the same step-by-step from scratch. And I don't want to for now use/buy third-party CDN subscriptions from Akamai, CloudFlare, Limelight, etc as I discussed earlier.

TOFFEE Data-Center WAN Optimization deployment in Big Data Analytics ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

TOFFEE-DataCenter with GlusterFS Storage Cluster ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

TOFFEE-DataCenter WAN Optimization - Google Hangouts Demo and VOIP Optimization ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

TOFFEE-DataCenter WAN Optimization :: TOFFEE-DATACENTER-1.3.25-1-portable ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
Download TOFFEE-DATACENTER-1.3.25-1-portable.tar.xz via Google Drive share: platform independent (portable) source: TOFFEE-DATACENTER-1.2.2-1-portable.tar.xz * Alternatively download from SOURCEFORGE project site. * Here are the TOFFEE-DataCenter supported features. * To know more about the project kindly refer TOFFEE-Datacenter Documentation, News and Updates

Optimization of network data (WAN Optimization) at various levels ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
WAN Network data can be optimized at various levels depending upon the network applications, protocols, topology and use-cases. So the amount of data you can optimize will depend on the strategy you choose to optimize. Such as: Network Packet level optimization, Session level optimization, File level optimization, etc.

The TOFFEE Project :: TOFFEE-Butterscotch :: Save and Optimize your Internet/WAN bandwidth ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
TOFFEE-Butterscotch is an open-source software which can be used to save and optimize your Internet/WAN bandwidth. Unlike TOFFEE (and TOFFEE-DataCenter) TOFFEE-Butterscotch is a non peer-to-peer (and asymmetric) network optimization solution. This makes TOFFEE-Butterscotch an ideal tool for all Home and SOHO users.

TOFFEE-Mocha Documentation :: TOFFEE-Mocha - Jitter feature ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Featured Educational Video:
Watch on Youtube - [89//1] B.E and M.E Final Year Projects - Form your Team ↗

TOFFEE DataCenter WAN Optimization - Google Hangouts demo and VOIP Optimization ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
TOFFEE DataCenter WAN Optimization - Google Hangouts demo and VOIP Optimization

The TOFFEE Project :: TOFFEE-Butterscotch :: Save and Optimize your Internet/WAN bandwidth ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
TOFFEE-Butterscotch is an open-source software which can be used to save and optimize your Internet/WAN bandwidth. Unlike TOFFEE (and TOFFEE-DataCenter) TOFFEE-Butterscotch is a non peer-to-peer (and asymmetric) network optimization solution. This makes TOFFEE-Butterscotch an ideal tool for all Home and SOHO users.

TOFFEE-Mocha WAN Emulation software development - Update: 18-June-2016 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021
In the previous update (17-Jun-2016) I discussed about the upcoming new Random Packet drop feature along with other completed features. Now I completed the entire TOFFEE-Mocha Random packet drop feature. I completed all the kernel components and the UI support of the same. And to make GUI settings more organized I split the earlier Basic-Settings page into two separate pages namely: Packet Drop and Packet Delay. So this way it is simple to understand settings according to their functionality.

Tweaking Network Latency - Live Demo - via TOFFEE-DataCenter ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Watch on Youtube - [889//1] 280 WAN Optimization - Animated demo of Packet Optimization in TOFFEE-DataCenter ↗

TEST CASES :: TEST RESULTS :: Raspberry Pi WAN Emulator TOFFEE-Mocha-1.0.14-1-rpi2 ↗
Saturday' 13-Mar-2021

Research :: Optimization of network data (WAN Optimization) at various levels:
Network File level network data WAN Optimization

Learn Linux Systems Software and Kernel Programming:
Linux, Kernel, Networking and Systems-Software online classes

Hardware Compression and Decompression Accelerator Cards:
TOFFEE Architecture with Compression and Decompression Accelerator Card [CDN]

TOFFEE-DataCenter on a Dell Server - Intel Xeon E5645 CPU:
TOFFEE-DataCenter screenshots on a Dual CPU - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645 @ 2.40GHz - Dell Server